Wednesday, August 9, 2017


A statement asserting the existence or the truth ofsomething
Remember that by affirming yourgoals, you are persuading your ownworst enemy inside your head toagree with you.

Everyday without fail, tell yourself (it doesn'thave to be out loud) 'I am a successful person'.

Joy is more than the pleasure of the moment. It is an affirmation that life is very much worth living. It may sometimes get covered up, but it never has to go away. Keep it with you and add to it all that you can.

In your disappointment is the affirmation of your possibilities. In the bitter is the grasp of sweetness. The pain of defeat does not prevent victory. Rather, it demonstrates that victory is indeed possible.

Sadness is an intensity of life's longing for itself. We often focus on the painful part, the longing. And yet there is also in sadness a profound affirmation of life, of what could have been, of what can still be.


If you can believe your daydreams, you are halfway to success.
The things that you believe to be out of your reach will indeed be out of your reach as long as your beliefs stay the same.

You can, however, change your beliefs to include whatever possibilities you dare to imagine.

Visualize yourself reaching the goal, and your belief begins to grow. Take solid and consistent steps in the direction of that goal, and your belief becomes more firmly entrenched with each action.

Allow yourself, with everything you are, to fully believe in whatever you seek to do. And it will surely be.

You can make any situation work for you, by believing that it can, and by finding a way. Success and accomplishment are built on the belief that everything happens for a reason, and everything that happens can serve your purpose.

The events of each day are raw energy, waiting to be transformed by your focus, your direction, your belief and your commitment, into whatever you determine to make them.

I was struck by the refreshing, naive innocence of their belief. There was no doubt in their minds that wishes would come true. At the thinking level it is of course not in line with reality. We seasoned adults know that merely wishing for something does not make it happen.

And yet, there was something in the matter-of-factness of these girls that was truly captivating.

You will accomplish whatever you sincerely believe you will accomplish. And you can believe whatever you choose to believe.


A complex mental orientation involving beliefs and feelingsand values and dispositions to act in certain ways
The only attitude you should everhave is a positive, can-do attitude.
For one day, approach a task that you don'treally enjoy (like going to work) with a positiveattitude. Force yourself to focus on the positivethings that can come out of any situation.
Your actions affect your attitude and your attitude drives your actions. It can indeed be powerful to get your actions and your attitude working consistently in the same direction.
In the same way, a small positive shift in your attitude can encourage you to take action when you previously were not inclined to do so. Just a brief empowering thought can get you moving forward.
So if you cannot quite bring yourself to take action, at the very least you can convince yourself to carry a more positive attitude. After all, thinking does not require any physical effort at all, and before long that positive attitude will surely lead you to take action.
Or, if you find yourself resisting a positive attitude, at the very least you can take some small beneficial action. And you'll be amazed at how soon that will lead to a more positive attitude.
Whether it's through your actions or through your attitude, there's always a way to introduce a more affirmative perspective into your life. Stay focused on the positive possibilities, and life will continue to grow more richly rewarding.
Your attitude can be based on the weather, the amount of traffic congestion, the way people treat you, or a whole lot of other things. Or, your attitude can be exactly what you choose for it to be.
Your attitude serves as a lens through which you see life, and it's best when that lens is focused on the positive possibilities. Your attitude can enable you to make the most of difficult situations, to find and to create enormous value in your world.