Wednesday, August 9, 2017


A statement asserting the existence or the truth ofsomething
Remember that by affirming yourgoals, you are persuading your ownworst enemy inside your head toagree with you.

Everyday without fail, tell yourself (it doesn'thave to be out loud) 'I am a successful person'.

Joy is more than the pleasure of the moment. It is an affirmation that life is very much worth living. It may sometimes get covered up, but it never has to go away. Keep it with you and add to it all that you can.

In your disappointment is the affirmation of your possibilities. In the bitter is the grasp of sweetness. The pain of defeat does not prevent victory. Rather, it demonstrates that victory is indeed possible.

Sadness is an intensity of life's longing for itself. We often focus on the painful part, the longing. And yet there is also in sadness a profound affirmation of life, of what could have been, of what can still be.

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